Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Exploring Flickr- Week 3

Using the branch camera and taking the Summer reading theme pictures aournd the branch was the first and easy challenge. Next step was to download the pictures on a computer and save it. Now I would upload these pictures on the flickr. I am excited about sharing my pcitures with library friends and my family.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Namesake Week2

Week 2- Namesake
I created my blog for first time and I like it!
I want to write about the movie I enjoyed.
I enjoyed reading this book and recomended to everyone I meet or talked. When I heard the movie is being made by Mira Eyer I was not very interested to view it. Movies never really create the same world our minds create, but I was pleasantly surprise to see "Namsake" (the movie). I watched it first with my parents in India and then in Baltimore with my family and we all related to the theme in some way or other.