Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week 1

I read the 7 1/2 Habit tutorial again, as my coworker reminded, we need to write in our blog which habit from the 7 & 1/2 tutotial is easiest and which is hardest for me. The easitest is the 1 habit, Getting started with goal in the mind.I knew I wanted to particapate in the maryland 23 thing and I want to finish it.I want a star near my name, I want a prize to win,most of all I want to learn new things. As a busy circulation staff member it is hard to complete assignment at work.Now that I ahve a deadline to meet I am finsihing it at home on a weekend.
Hardest is the last 7 1/2 habit to play.To find time to play is hard inour busy schedules, but playing is so much fun, this weekend I explored so much by playing on maryland thing.I will work on finding more time to play.

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