Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23 My summary

Ah, I am at the end, and I feel I just begin! I have still so much to explore, implement what I learned. I am not done at all.I would definately chose to particapte in another discovery program in future.
I am not technology shy, I embrass new technology, but introducing myself to technology on my own is hard.This program enabled me to reach that goal of trying something new and enjoying what I discovered.
My favorite activity was to catalog my favorite books and my favorite discovery was that claiming my blogs and all the free downloadable ebooks.
To survive the future of libraries,we need to be on top of what the public want, what they know,and we have to find out how we can offer to them in best way psossible.The committment of learning and sharing is always going to be in demand.We offer the community the enviornment of soical and individual learning and playing and the patrons will keep coming to the libraries.

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